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Working with signals in Rust - part 2

🚧 Hey there! You seem to have stumbled on a draft post! You're welcome to have a look around, but I'm still working on it, so it's likely that things are going to be rough around the edges. That's okay with me if it's okay with you.

Signals are an essential part of process lifecycle on linux, but working with them is often poorly understood - probably because it's not obvious that special care is needed. In this second post of the series, we'll look at another aspect of what makes signals difficult to work with correctly: non-local behaviour.

This is a three-part series:

so why are signals hard to work with? (part 2: non-local behaviour)

The next interesting thing about signals is this (from man 7 signal again):

If a signal handler is invoked while a system call or library function call is blocked, then either:

  • the call is automatically restarted after the signal handler returns; or

  • the call fails with the error EINTR.


Let's just dwell for a second on what that means: any time we receive a signal, anywhere in our program (including between threads), we can have a system-call return early. In some cases, we can arrange for those calls to be automatically restarted by virtue of the way we install our signal handler (this is one of the things you get from using sigaction instead of signal when to register your signal handler), but we can't catch all of them: in particular we can't arrange for sleep (or a bunch of other important calls like recv or send - on sockets) to automatically restart.

This behaviour (of system-calls returning early with EINTR) can also happen without signal handlers:

On Linux, even in the absence of signal handlers, certain blocking interfaces can fail with the error EINTR after the process is stopped by one of the stop signals and then resumed via SIGCONT. This behavior is not sanctioned by POSIX.1, and doesn't occur on other systems.

Not all system calls are subject to this behaviour (e.g. local disk I/O), but a good many of them are, and we have to be on our guard whenever we work with signals. What are the implications for our sleep example though?

On the face of it, we might be thinking: this is actually good news! Here's a line of reasoning:

  1. Our problem was that we don't have a way to wake up our thread::sleep(...) call from our signal handler
  2. It turns out that receiving a signal will wake up a sleep system call anyway
  3. Therefore the problem solves itself! And how!

No dice â›”. It turns out that this non-local behaviour that causes sleep not to sleep for its full duration is not the preferred interface of the Rust standard library. In std::thread::sleep, if you ask to sleep for 5 seconds, you will sleep for (at least...) 5 seconds. Here's what the source code has to say on the matter:

On Unix platforms, the underlying syscall may be interrupted by a spurious wakeup or signal handler. To ensure the sleep occurs for at least the specified duration, this function may invoke that system call multiple times.

To paraphrase: Rust is wise to this wakeup behaviour, and will restart that sleep syscall for you. So, we're going to have to find another way to ensure that our application wakes up when an interrupt occurs.

There is a possible positive here though: what if we skip Rust's sleep implementation and go straight to libc::sleep? Actually, on the face of it that's not a bad solution. We would need to introduce a bit of extra code to handle the case of early wake-up, and we still need to solve the problem of communicating back to our application code from the signal handler, but there's the beginning of a workable path forward in there. There's another issue with that, though- it's not directly related to signal handling, but it can certainly be triggered by another signal elsewhere in your code, in another example of non-local behaviour around signals.

Here's alarm(), a call you can use to arrange for a signal (SIGALRM) to be delivered at some point in the future. The idea is straightforward: you can use this to implement timeouts, for example. But here's the problem:

alarm() and setitimer(2) share the same timer; calls to one will interfere with use of the other. ... sleep(3) may be implemented using SIGALRM; mixing calls to alarm() and sleep(3) is a bad idea.

... and herein lies the issue: calls elsewhere in our process can affect our sleep. In this case it's kind of coincidental that alarm happens to notify us via signals, rather than some other mechanism, but that nonetheless, it makes our plan more fragile. We can do better.