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Working with signals in Rust - some things that signal handlers can't handle

Signals are an essential part of process life-cycle on linux, but working with them is ... fraught - probably because it's not obvious that special care is needed. In this post, we'll look at what a signal is and just one of the challenging aspects: restrictions on signal handlers.

TL;DR: use signal-hook. There's an example at the end.

what's a signal anyway?

There are a few ways that processes can speak to one another on a 'nix system:

  • file-like mechanisms (network sockets, unix domain sockets, pipes, and so on)
  • IPC (either of the System V variety, or POSIX message queues)
  • D-Bus (passing messages via system- or session-wide buses)
  • ... probably a bunch of others
  • finally: signals.

Signals are probably the most primitive mechanism, and unlike the others, you don't have to opt in somehow to receiving them. In contrast to the file-likes (which you would have to read), or message queues (which you would have to poll), or D-Bus (which is built on top of sockets and you would have to register a handler on), signals are just sent to you: you either handle them or you don't. That makes signals a good fit for certain circumstances. Here are some examples of signals that you might have seen in the past:

  • SIGSEGV: invalid access to storage. This is typically sent to your process when you access memory you shouldn't (use-after-free, or plain old bad pointer arithmetic). If you've programmed in C, you've probably seen this. In "safe" languages, with luck you can go many years without seeing one of these.
  • SIGINT: interactive interrupt. This is typically the result of the user hitting Ctrl+C on their keyboard. This is such a common interaction that friendly runtimes will often translate it into some more palatable language-native form (e.g. in Python a KeyboardInterrupt is raised, while on Java the interrupted flag is set).
  • SIGKILL: this signal will terminate your programme, unconditionally. I guess the clue's in the name 🤷

You can find a more complete list in man 7 signal. A few signals have a default outcome if your process doesn't handle them, for example: SIGSEGV or SIGINT will terminate your process. SIGKILL, on the other hand, can't be handled; it will always end your process. Others might simply be ignored.

Aside on Windows: Contrary to occasional internet rumours, Windows has signal support, but it doesn't do all the same things as signals on 'nix, like:

SIGINT is not supported for any Win32 application. When a CTRL+C interrupt occurs, Win32 operating systems generate a new thread to specifically handle that interrupt. This can cause a single-thread application, such as one in UNIX, to become multithreaded and cause unexpected behavior.

It also has its own mechanism for handling some of the things that are typically done with Signals on 'nix: Structured Exception Handling(SEH). In my opinion, Structured Exception Handling is actually a much nicer interface than Signals (for some of the reasons we'll see in this series) - and it fits really well with the C++ Exceptions model that's probably most familiar to folks outside of the C/Go/Rust space. Unlike signals, SEH uses language-level features (__try / __catch blocks) - there's an open issue around them in Rust, but I don't know much more than that so I'll stop there.

how can I handle signals?

So, we've got an idea of what a signal is, but how do we use them in our application? In lots of cases, the answer is: don't. The default handlers for signals like SIGINT or SIGSEGV will terminate your application, and in many cases that's the right thing - e.g. in a console application, if your user hits Ctrl+C, then they probably meant for your app to stop.

Not always though! Let's see a motivating example: let's say I have a function that does some long-running task. If the user gets bored, I want them to be able to terminate the process, and some message about the process not finishing.

Let's start with some example code:

fn handle_interrupt() {
    // We want this code to run if the user decided
    // to kill the process early.
    println!("Sorry we didn't get the chance to finish");

fn main() {

    // wait for some long-running job to complete

    // I _always_ want this to run, even if the user
    // aborted the above.

If the user hits Ctrl+C during the call to sleep, then we want to call handle_interrupt, and then shut down via "Goodbye" (without waiting the full 10 seconds). We can hope to achieve that with a signal handler. To start with, we'll bring in the libc crate. Much of what we're talking about here is to do with the low-level interfaces provided by Linux, so it'll make sense to work up from there.

extern "C" fn handle_interrupt(sig: libc::c_int) { // 1
    println!("Sorry we didn't get the chance to finish");

fn main() {

    // All libc functions are unsafe
    unsafe { 
        libc::signal(libc::SIGINT, handle_interrupt as libc::sighandler_t); // 2


You can get the raw files here (zip). Let's go through the changes:

  1. Our handle_interrupt function is going to be called from C, so it needs to be marked extern "C". From the Rust book:

    The "C" part defines which application binary interface (ABI) the external function uses: the ABI defines how to call the function at the assembly level. The "C" ABI is the most common and follows the C programming language’s ABI.

    Our signal handler is going to be called by something outside of the Rust ecosystem, so it makes sense that we have to set it up to be compatible with the "C" ABI - that's the most general set of expectations for how a function should be called.

    While we're here, notice that the method signature has changed too. If we take a look in man 3 signal, we'll see the function signature for signal is:

    void (*signal(int sig, void (*func)(int)))(int);

    ... which is C for signal being a function returning an int that takes two arguments:

    1. The signal number (identifying the signal for which we're installing a handler)
    2. A pointer to a function that takes a single int argument

    The (Rust) libc docs for signal don't make this terribly clear, with the signature:

    pub unsafe extern "C" fn signal(
       signum: c_int, 
       handler: sighandler_t
    ) -> sighandler_t
    type sighandler_t = size_t;

    This is most likely generated from the relevant C headers - so if you want to take a look at the "golden source", you can check <signal.h> on your own system (most likely under /usr/include/signal.h).

  2. This is where we actually install the signal handler. This one reads: "When this thread receives a SIGINT, run handle_interrupt". Hopefully that one is relatively clear!

So, let's run the above (the comments to the right are timings):

$> cargo -q run
Hello                                            #  0s
^CSorry we didn't get the chance to finish       #  3s
^CSorry we didn't get the chance to finish       #  5s
^CSorry we didn't get the chance to finish       #  6s
Goodbye                                          # 10s

What we're seeing here is that we've successfully handled the interrupt: when I press Ctrl+C, our signal handler is getting called, and then normal execution resumes. Great news, right?

Well, not quite. There's one major issue we'd like to address: the user is trying to terminate the process, but rather than shutting down gracefully, as we set out to do, we're just throwing that request in the bin. We call the signal handler, but then the sleep starts up again right where it left off. We haven't handled our signal so much as suppressed it. So we'd like to have a way to communicate the fact that an interrupt has occurred back to the main thread of execution, wake up from our important long-running process (hey, sleep is important!), and shut down gracefully.

What we're going to see next is a brief excursion into the execution model of signal handlers (what really happens to our thread), and then we'll look at how we can communicate between signal handlers and application logic.

Brief aside: you might have noticed that signal's man page says:

The sigaction() function provides a more comprehensive and reliable mechanism for controlling signals; new applications should use sigaction() rather than signal().

If we were going to stick with raw libc calls, then it would make sense for us to heed this warning and use sigaction instead. I skipped it this time because the setup for it is a little more verbose - but as we're going to see, we can leverage a library to take care of this stuff for us (and when we take a peek under the covers, we'll see that sigaction is exactly the call that ends up being used). It doesn't make any difference to what we're talking about though.

so why are signals hard to work with? (part 1: communicating back to the application)

Okay, so we've covered signals and what they're used for, and as we've just seen, on the face of it they're actually pretty straightforward to work with; we just register a callback function and away we go. So why did I start off by claiming that they're often "poorly understood"? Let's start by taking a look at what's really happening with our control flow. Here's the same code from above, but this time laid out as it would actually be executed, in the case of a single SIGINT during our sleep:

                                       →-----------→ fn handle_interrupt(...) { // 2
sleep(Duration::from_secs(10)) // 1; --↑               println!("Sorry ..."); 
                             ↑---------------------← } // 3

In words, what's happening to our thread of execution is:

  1. We enter our sleep function
  2. A signal occurs, and we execute handle_interrupt
  3. Our thread of execution returns to where it was in the sleep function

That sounds relatively simple, but consider:

  • We don't have any way to express that relationship to the Rust type system. Therefore, we can't safely share state with the main logical thread of execution.
  • This signal-handler is global across our thread group. Therefore if we were to share any state, that would lead to races
  • Most importantly, it's not guaranteed that we won't receive another signal while handling the first.

It's that last point that's the hardest to spot the implications of. What it means is that anything that happens inside the signal handler must be "re-entrant" - and what that means is that it must be safe to stop half way through and have another instance of itself concurrently executing. This is one of the requirements of thread safety (one that Rust normally allows us not to think about), but it's worse than that: consider that in cases like SIGSEGV, our actions inside the signal handler might trigger further calls (i.e. it can be inadvertently recursive, or recursive without any obvious sign of recursion).

If you're thinking that it sounds like we've entered the danger zone at this point, then you're dead right. Don't worry - man 7 signal-safety is here to help us out:

To avoid problems with unsafe functions, there are two possible choices:

  1. Ensure that (a) the signal handler calls only async-signal- safe functions, and (b) the signal handler itself is re-entrant with respect to global variables in the main program.

  2. Block signal delivery in the main program when calling functions that are unsafe or operating on global data that is also accessed by the signal handler.

We can start by saying that 2 is not an option: we're exactly trying to handle an incoming signal, so blocking delivery is going to defeat the whole object.

So how about option 1? Well, 1.(b) sort of smells quite satisfiable: we're working in Rust, and Rust won't let us modify global objects in a non-thread-safe way... so does that also imply re-entrancy? No it does not 😅! Quite the opposite in fact: the thing we'd lean on to coordinate execution with the main thread would be a mutex. Rust's (unix) mutexes are built on POSIX mutex, and have this to say on the topic:

...we instead create the mutex with type PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL which is guaranteed to deadlock if we try to re-lock it from the same thread...

... and with good reason! If you want the details, I suggest you follow the link and have a good read - basically it's to avoid Undefined Behaviour... nonetheless, this is firmly not going to be re-entrant.

All of this is moot anyway, because of 1.(a):

the signal handler calls only async-signal-safe functions

What does it take for a function to be "async-signal-safe" anyway? Well, it's a pretty uncomplicated answer: there is a list of functions at the bottom of the man page which POSIX declares to be "async-signal-safe", and anything else is out of bounds - and in particular the relevant pthread_mutex_ functions are off the menu.

Just to give a taste of the sorts of things we can't do in a signal handler:

  • anything involving locks, as we've seen above
  • stdio (like printf - although we got away with it above)
  • malloc (so, no allocating memory)
  • ... the list goes on.

Knowing what you can and can't do gets even harder in a high-level language like rust - for example, it might not be obvious that println!() takes a lock] via a call to io::stdout(): that's a deadlock if you get re-interrupted while printing!

We'll spend the rest of this post by talking about some of the techniques we can use for getting information out of our signal handlers and into our application code.

communicating with the application from a signal handler.

Luckily, it's safe to say that the Unix process model is not completely broken. In the rest of this article we'll look at addressing 1: we'll stay at a low level and see a couple of ways we can get information about signals back onto our application code safely, and escape the confines of "async-signal-safe" code.

the self-pipe trick

The careful reader of the signal-safety man page may have noticed a function that gives us something of an escape hatch: write is available.

write opens up the door to exfiltrating data from our signal-handler to another thread, in a "trick" described in D. J. Bernstein's article on the topic. Let's see that in action; we'll drop down to C since we're going to be talking with libc a lot for this, and all Rust's unsafe ceremony doesn't add much here:

static int pipefds[2] = {0};

void signal_handler(int signum)
    uint8_t empty[1] = {0};
    int write_fd = pipefds[1];
    write(write_fd, empty, 1);                 // 3

void handle_signal(int read_pipe_fd)
    uint8_t buff[1] = {0};
    read(read_pipe_fd, buff, 1);               // 4
    printf("Received signal\n");

int main()
    pipe(pipefds)                              // 1
    fcntl(pipefds[1], F_SETFD, O_NONBLOCK);

    int read_fd = pipefds[0];

    signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);            // 2

    while(true) {

Error handling and includes omitted for brevity; you can find a full listing here if you'd like to download and run it yourself.

So there's quite a bit to unpack here:

  1. We set up a pipe, which works just like a pipe in the shell: you write data in one end and read it out the other end. The contents of pipefds is just two file descriptors, which we'll use to shimmy data from the signal-handler into our main thread of execution. We set the writer up as non-blocking - we don't want any blocking in the signal handler.
  2. Now we install our signal handler, same as before
  3. In the signal handler, we're allowed to use write to send data back to the main thread - nice.
  4. Finally, in the main thread, whenever we can read from our pipe, we know that the signal handler was fired.

Nice! So we're able to pull information from our signal handler into the main thread. Inside handle_signal, we're back to a normal execution context, and we don't have to worry about all that signal-safety stuff we talked about before. Since we're using a file descriptor on the read side, we can hook that into a normal event loop (based on poll/select/epoll or whatever). Here, we'll just do blocking reads in a loop - that's enough to show how it works.


Wouldn't it be convenient if we didn't have to set up these pipes and marshall data back to the main thread ourselves? signalfd is exactly that. From the man page:

signalfd - create a file descriptor for accepting signals

Like we were discussing before: once we have a file descriptor, we can handle that using familiar tools like select, poll, and epoll - in our existing event loops, in our normal thread contexts. Let's see how that looks - and we'll stay in C since we're still speaking to libc:

void handle_signal(int);

int main()
    sigset_t mask;
    sigaddset(&mask, SIGINT);

    sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &mask, NULL);                // 1

    int signal_fd = signalfd(-1, &mask, SFD_NONBLOCK);    // 2

    struct pollfd pollfd = {
        .fd = signal_fd,
        .events = POLLIN,

    while (poll(&pollfd, 1, 5000) > 0)                    // 3

void handle_signal(int signal_fd)
    struct signalfd_siginfo siginfo;
    ssize_t s;
    s = read(signal_fd, &siginfo, sizeof(siginfo));       // 4
    if (s != sizeof(siginfo))

    uint32_t signo = siginfo.ssi_signo;
    char *signame = strsignal(signo);

    printf("Received signal %d (%s)\n", signo, signame);

Again, I've omitted all the error handling and includes for brevity; you can get a full copy of the code here if you'd like to run it yourself. Here's what's going on:

  1. We start by letting the runtime know that we don't want interrupt signals to run according to their normal disposition. Instead, they should be blocked, and queued up for us to read synchronously.
  2. Install a signalfd that will be used to read the signals that we just masked...
  3. This is where the magic happens: we get notified that there's a signal for us to read - we call out to handle_signal process it.
  4. The same info that would have been sent to us via a signal handler is available to read from our file descriptor.

And just as before: handle_signal is just normal code executing in a normal context. We have regained access to all those convenient facilities like mutexes and message queues and memory allocation that make life great. I've set up a little poll loop here for the sake of exposition, but just like in the self-pipe trick, we can pass our file descriptor to select or epoll or whatever event loop you've got going in your application.

So, we're done, right? Well, not quite--

  1. we did say we would deal with signals in rust, so in the next section we'll see that.
  2. there are a couple of problems with signalfd that I haven't mentioned so far: most notably the interaction with child processes. Let's cover that before we move on.

In (1) above, we saw that we blocked the delivery of signals, since we want to handle them ourselves through our signalfd. Here's the rub: signal masks are inherited by child processes, while the whole signalfd infrastructure is not. This is a problem; it means that child processes will:

  1. not receive signals in the normal way, if they were masked in the parent process,
  2. not handle them any other way either.

The child processes could clear their signal masks - but in practice most of us don't do that when we start our programmes. You could imagine letting the child processes inherit the signalfd, but it's the same issue; they would need to arrange to handle the signals themselves. This is a bit thorny - maybe even a deal-breaker - and it's the reason why, in practice, folks still use the self-pipe trick.

the signal-hook library

Let's get to the point: the signal-hook library has what you need. It implements a couple of the things you would hope for:

And this time we really are done. signal-hook also provides convenient adapters for use in a tokio event loop, or equivalently for async-std.

Let's wrap it up with an update to the example we started with:

use signal_hook::consts::*;
use signal_hook::iterator::Signals;
use crossbeam::channel::{select, self, Sender, Receiver, after};
use std::time::Duration;

fn await_interrupt(interrupt_notification_channel: Sender<()>) {
    let mut signals = Signals::new(&[                              // 1

    for s in &mut signals {                                        // 2
        interrupt_notification_channel.send(());                   // 3

fn main() {
    let (interrupt_tx, interrupt_rx) = channel::unbounded();
    std::thread::spawn(move || { await_interrupt(interrupt_tx)});

    let timeout = after(Duration::from_secs(5));
    loop {
        select! {
            recv(interrupt_rx) -> _ => {                           // 4
                println!("Received interrupt notification");
            recv(timeout) -> _ => {                                // 5
                println!("Finally finished the long task");

In this example, I'm using crossbeam channels and select handle multiplexing events (namely, timeouts vs. interrupt notifications), but you could do the same thing without crossbeam in tokio or async-std runtime - and signal-handler's tokio adapter will let you do just that. Let's go through the main points:

  1. Installing the signal handler. This does - eventually - pretty much what you'd expect from the start of the post, with a a call through to libc::sigaction.
  2. Signal info is fed back to us via a self-pipe. signal-hook wraps that interaction up in a nice Iterator interface so that we never have to worry about.
  3. We're in a normal, non-signal-handler execution context, so we can safely use a crossbeam::channel (or any other mechanism we like) to communicate between threads.
  4. Finally, when we get an interrupt on the main thread, we can break out of our loop.
  5. It's not really about signals, but it's nice to note that crossbeam also provides a nice timeout mechanism.

And that's really truly the end.


We've seen that signal handlers are subject to some significant restrictions, and we can use the "self pipe" technique to escape their shackles. signal-hook makes dealing with this stuff convenient.

There are two other signals-related topics that I'd like to cover:

  • event coalescing, which I mentioned this briefly at the end of the section on signalfd
  • non-local behavior, which we haven't seen here but opens up its own fresh can of worms

If those topics sound interesting to you, do drop me a note to remind me to make it happen.